The idea behind baby-led weaning is that if you wait until a baby is around six months before introducing solids (as is now recommended) then the baby is capable of feeding himself. He can sit in a high chair and pick up food either with his fingers or in his fist. He can put the food in his mouth, chew it and swallow it. If he is not able to do these things then his digestive system will not be ready for anything except milk. With baby-led weaning the baby is in control of how much he eats. Just as a breastfed baby will take the right amount of milk and will neither under-eat nor over-eat, so a BLW baby will eat the right amount of food, and will leave what he doesn't need (or squish it up and throw it on the floor.)
We started off with baby B on my lap at mealtimes and we let him play with my food. Yesterday we sat him in his highchair for the first time at dinner time. We offered him baguette, cheese and cucumber and he chewed enthusiastically on all three before throwing them on the floor. We are all very much looking forward to tonight's dinner.