Friday, 13 February 2009

Night Weaning

A few weeks ago I decided that I need sleep more than B needs breast milk during the night. The night we started, I explained to him that he is a big boy and he should be sleeping at night and not drinking mummy-milk. I told him that if he needs a drink in the night he can have water, but he won't be allowed mummy-milk until morning. I am constantly surprised at B's comprehension. Because he speaks so little, I often forget that he understands everything I say, so I wasn't ready for his reaction to my explanation - the pout, the quivering bottom lip, the protesting wail.

For the first few nights we had full blown tantrums at 3 am. The water beaker was hurled across the bed. I had to apologise to the neighbours. Gradually the duration of the tantrums lessened until they became nothing but a few seconds' protest before lying down and falling asleep again.
We have always put B down to sleep in his cot and then taken him into bed with us the first time he wakes. Before night weaning he used to come into our bed around 11pm or midnight, and from then on, he would feed several times. Now he usually sleeps in his cot till around 2 or 3am at which time he comes into our bed and falls asleep immediately, sometimes sleeping until 6am - the time that morning officially starts and mummy-milk is allowed. B's internal clock is remarkably accurate. The neighbours say they know when it's five to six because they can hear B crying. He sometimes wakes earlier but can generally be persuaded to fall asleep after a sip of water and a cuddle. We do still get the occasional 3 am tantrum but they are becoming less and less frequent.

I think part of the reason I am blogging again after a long silence is because I'm finally getting enough sleep to be able to string a coherent sentence together.

Saturday, 7 February 2009


We have snow! Not just a few tiny flakes that melt before they have even touched the ground but proper thick snow that scrunches under your feet as you walk. Actually today it has frozen hard but yesterday and Thursday T's school was closed and we built snowmen in the garden and threw snowballs at each other. B was less enthusiastic. He ventured out into the garden looked a little bemused as he watched the large flakes fall from the sky, and then went back inside. This is the first time the boys have seen proper thick snow. Last winter I think we had one snowy day, but by midday it had all melted. It reminds me of winters from my childhood when our narrow lane was filled by snowdrifts so deep that cars were completely covered. All the neighbours used to come out with shovels to dig a way out. Schools were closed and we spent entire days sledging, building snowmen and having snowball fights. I am only sorry that we live in such a flat city and have no hills within walking distance to go sledging.