Friday, 1 February 2008

After School Play Date

My 4-year-old son, T, invited a friend home from school for tea for the first time the other day. It made me realise how grown up he is becoming. Up to now I have been the one to choose his playmates (mainly the children of my friends) but now he is choosing his own friends. His friend was a lovely boy - polite and well behaved - and they played beautifully together. They dressed up as pirates and played snakes and ladders. T has already told me the name of the next child he wants to invite (a girl this time). T is a popular boy so it looks as if this could be the first of many play dates.

1 comment:

Bast Spandangle said...

Isn't it wonderful. Osiris has been making friends and seems to be at someones house every week. I spin out though because I live in a big mess in a falling down rented building. I wonder what the mums think of me. It's hard to put the whole 'spend my time on giving my children attention than having a spotless house' philosophy across to a 4 year old who's looking at a washing pile and saying "You'll get rats in your house" which is obviously what his mum told him about his bedroom.