Yesterday was the first of March and there was a decidedly springlike feel in the air. So much so that I hung my washing out on the line instead of draping it over the radiator, took the foot muff off the pushchair and put on a denim jacket instead of my winter coat. Then I took my children to the city farm, which has just reopened for the summer, to meet some friends and their children. I love the city farm. One of the reasons we bought our house was its proximity to the farm - if you look out of my attic window you can actually see the animals. This year there are some new arrivals on the farm - some donkeys. It felt great to see the farm open again after the long winter, and I am looking forward to visiting on a regular basis and hopefully instilling a love and respect of animals in my children. The farm was busy and there was a feel of optimism in the air as parents watched their children playing happily in the spring sunshine rather than squabbling indoors as they had inevitably been doing during the long winter months. I bought some sausages from the farm shop for tea. I don't eat meat myself but my husband and children do, and when I buy sausages I like to know what is in them. If I buy them from the farm shop I have actually met and stroked what is in them.
After the farm we all went to the nearby park. B was tired and hungry so I sat down on a bench and fed him. A woman came up to me and said how fab it was to see me breastfeeding my baby and how she thought more people should do it. It was such a nice thing for a complete stranger to say and it made me feel very proud.
1 comment:
Yey. It was a fab day wasn't it? Looking forward to felt-making!
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