Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Sling Meet

Last week I went on a sling meet. This is where baby-wearing mums can make arrangements, using the website "sling meet", to meet up. They can compare slings, swap baby-wearing advice, try on each others slings and just chat. Unfortunately there were only three mums on our meet - it would have been more fun with a larger group - but it was still good to meet the other two and their tots. It was a great learning experience for me. One of the others pointed out that I was putting my sling on slightly wrong so I have now corrected this and it is more comfortable. She also taught me how to wear B on my back which was great and I could carry him for much longer without him getting heavy. I'm still too nervous to put him on my back unaided (it involves tossing him over my shoulder) but I might have another go at the next local meet which is planned for the end of May.

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