Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Lazy Parenting

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of my parenting choices have been made out of laziness rather than anything else.

Why put your baby in his own room when you know it will mean spending the night getting in and out of bed and running from one room to another? Much easier to take the baby into bed with you and then you’ll barely have to wake up when he cries.

Why go out to the shops to buy formula milk, lug it home, spend time heating, cooling, measuring, mixing, sterilising, when you have a superior product on tap?

Why spend time pureeing vegetables and spoon-feeding your baby when you can just put proper food in front of him and he’ll eat it by himself, leaving you free to get on with your own meal?

Why try to get your newborn into a routine; desperately trying to keep him awake when he wants to sleep and trying to get him to sleep when he wants to be awake? It’s much easier to just go with the flow and let him set his own routine.

Why bother trying to potty train your 18-month-old when you know it will involve months of mopping the floor and carrying several changes of clothes whenever you leave the house? If you wait another year it will be much easier and quicker.

Yes, I am a lazy parent and I’m proud of it!


Bast Spandangle said...

I saw a mum frantically trying to eat her own meal in a cafe whilst trying to spoon a jar of mush into her baby's mouth. Afterwards she had to get a bottle warmed up. She didn't really get to eat any of her meal. I felt a bit sorry for her.
Hurray for lazy parenting!

Fiona O'Dowd Intend. Act. Inspire said...

Not sure how I stumbled on your post but high five!!! You worded beautifully my life motto "Why do it the hard way when you can do it the easy way?"!
Happy Lazy Parenting, (now there's a title for a book if ever I saw one!)

Anonymous said...

Hear hear! I do the same too (excpet the breastfeeding and I'd do that too if I could!) and it works perfectly for us all, especially my baby son! :o) xx