Saturday, 23 February 2008

My True Age

I usually ignore all the random stuff that people forward to me on facebook. Today, however, one of my facebook friends sent me the "True Age Test" and my curiosity got the better of me. The test involves answering some questions about your lifestyle, illnesses in the family etc. I guessed my score would be good as I don't smoke, drink very little and eat a reasonably healthy diet, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my real age is 18! That's less than half my age! And there was me thinking I was too old to have another baby.


Maia said...

Ha, Facebook applications! :)

Sorry we weren't up to chatting in the library earlier... Going to the library is one of the very few times where Ariel can insist on my undivided attention and she gets annoyed if I talk to other people, especially in the middle of a story!

Maia xx

Judy said...

No probs. Hope to see you in the park soon.