T came home from school the other day and announced, "Mummy, I know a bad word beginning with F."
Oh well, I thought, I suppose it was inevitable, especially living in an area of social deprivation. We don't swear at home, at least not in English, but I guess it's only a matter of time before he hears swear words from other people.
"Do you want to know what it is?" he continued, "Fat tomato face!"
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7 years ago
It may feel like you are swimming up steam some times. It is worth it. Keep it up. In our house, we have the bad "s" words, known as shut-up or stupid (rather than, well, you know) and the "h" word know as hate. If they hear anyone say these words, oh boy. And I love it. We work hard to help them understand that these words are not needed to describe people, feelings or actions. And they are truly getting it.
It may feel like you are swimming up stream some of the time. It is worth it. Keep it up. In our house, we have the bad "s" words, known as shut-up or stupid (rather than, well, you know) and the "h" word known as hate. If they hear anyone say these words, oh boy. And I love it. We work hard to help them understand that these types of words are not needed to describe people, feelings or actions. And they are truly getting it.
When he came out with the fat tomato face comment I told him he must never call anyone fat - I don't want him to be responsible for someone's future eating disorders, and that's just the kind of thing that can give a child a complex that can last a lifetime.
This made me smile :D
But it does make me sad that we feel we have to teach our children that "fat" is a really terrible insult that they must never use... in any sane world it would just be descriptive! Many people *do* experience "fat" as a terrible insult, I just wish it weren't so...
Hey, I'm reclaiming the word fat! Fat and happy...fat and full...fat and beautiful!!
Seriously I'm really glad T didn't come up with the F word. Currently I have Osiris telling me not to swear when I do...bless him.
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