I watched the Channel 4 documentary Other People's Breast Milk last night with great interest. Some of the people on the programme were so inspiring. I felt great admiration for the people who went to such lengths to make sure their children could have the very best start in life and for the women who gave such a precious gift to someone else's child. It made me appreciate how lucky I am to have breast fed my first child for 22 months and to be still be feeding B at 13 months. I am convinced that those 22 months of breast milk contributed to the fact that T won an award last year for his attendance at school. He was only off sick for one day which his teacher said was exceptional for a child in reception year.
I have milk in abundance and I love breast feeding so I've come to the conclusion that wet nursing would be my ideal career. The only time in my life when I can eat whatever I want and not put on weight is when I'm breast feeding, so wet nursing would mean I can continue to enjoy this benefit even when I'm not feeding B any more. And I've always been happier when working in a job that helps people. I'm not sure how women go about embarking on a career as a wet nurse. Do they put an ad in the local paper? Are there wet nurse agencies? Maybe I should set one up myself.
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7 years ago